by Lauren Weaver | Jun 20, 2022 | Employee, Ergonomics, IT Support, Tips, Uncategorized
Technology plays an important role when it comes to efficient and successful business operations. Many business owners may overlook the importance that IT products and solutions have on their short and long term success. Computers, data storage, printing, ergonomics,...
by | May 12, 2022 | Employee, IT Support, Security, Tips, Uncategorized
Modern malware is a serious threat for organizations worldwide. Security threats can arise from within or outside any business. Here are a few reminders and tips to provide peace of mind and ensure that your business is protected from the inside-out. Be In The Know...
by | Apr 19, 2022 | Employee, Ergonomics, Tips, Wellbeing
Wellbeing in the Workplace Wellbeing in the workplace is no longer just a preference, it is a necessity – especially when working from home. Many employees were not prepared for the sudden shift from working at the office 5 days a week to working from home....
by | Nov 25, 2021 | Tips
Has your work computer seen better days? Is it ready to kick the bucket? If your computer is no longer able to handle the job it was meant for, it’s probably time to bite the bullet and upgrade to a new PC. There are so many options to choose from when purchasing a...
by | Oct 16, 2021 | Employee, Ergonomics, Tips, Wellbeing, Work From Home
From reducing lunch costs to eliminating stressful commutes, switching to a home office has more than a few upsides. To maximize your personal office space, you need to make sure it’s set up for success. Consider the following 8 things when designing your home...