Continuous Disaster Recovery Solution



The explosion of data and increasing complexity of data management leaves companies vulnerable. The more complex a network, the more likely a company is to be burdened with unnecessary risks. These risks can present themselves in myriad ways, but the most frightening to businesses is the risk of security breaches and cyber attacks.

Organizations must take every precaution to protect themselves against data loss via cyberattack and, despite those precautions, must prepare for the inevitability of when they are breached. They must have a foolproof plan that empowers them to restore their data and operations as quickly and seamlessly as possible after suffering a breach.

In Modern data protection, there is a difference between disaster recovery and backup. Disaster recovery includes the ability to instantly recover from ransomware. With the aggressiveness and pervasiveness of ransomware, having a disaster recovery solution is really the best solution.  In addition, disaster recovery solutions allow customers to instantly recover deleted or corrupted files as well as recover from user errors. Data application mobility across on-premises and cloud is another case for disaster recovery.

Island Key Computer Ltd. offers customers who need disaster recovery, solutions from Zerto. A Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, Zerto helps companies protect and recover their data and application for continuous availability in on-prem, hybrid, or multi-cloud environments. It gives customers ransomware resilience. Within minutes, they can resume operations to a point-in-time before an attack occurred. That point in time might be only seconds before an attack. Zerto also gives customers foolproof disaster recovery. Customers can take advantage of industry leading recovery time objectives (RTOs) of mere seconds and recovery point objectives (RPOs) of minutes, dramatically reducing downtime and data loss.

Zerto gives customers data and application mobility across multiple clouds. Customers can migrate data to, from, and in between heterogeneous platforms, giving them the freedom to innovate across clouds. Zerto fits into any environment because it is hardware agnostic.